Home > Uncategorised Family Quiz Night (Group)

Family Quiz Night (Group)

18 October 2019

A Christmas Quiz


Saturday 23rd November at our Scout HQ

Arrive from 6.30pm;

Table rounds distributed 6.45pm;

Round One starts at 7pm.

£18.00 – Family 2 Adults & 2 Children*

£6.00 – Adults

£3.00 – additional Children*

*up to 16yrs – must be accompanied by an Adult.

Take part as a team of up to 8 or join a community table;

Cakes & hot drinks will be served during the interval (complimentary);

Please bring your own snacks & drinks.


Tickets are being sold as first come, first served as availability is limited by the size of our HQ. 

To order tickets text 07784 861218.  Please note your name, how many of each ticket type you require and at which section meeting you would like to pay for and collect them.  A ticket purchase facility may also be available to registered users of Online Scout Manager.

When your tickets are issued we’ll check which team (if any) you wish to form or be with.


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