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2020 European Jamboree – at Gdansk, Poland

21 January 2019


Cuffley Potters Bar District Scouts invitation European Scout Jamboree 2020 Gdansk Poland


An invitation from Potters Bar District

Dear Scout / Explorer,

I am writing to you on behalf of Potters Bar and District to offer you the opportunity to apply for a place in the County Jamboree Unit that will be going to the European Scout Jamboree to be held in Gdansk in Poland in July and August 2020. There has not been a European Jamboree since the UK last hosted Eurojam in 2005, and so this represents a real opportunity to participate in a life changing event.

The District has been allocated 2 places and if you apply, you will be invited to attend a selection event on the 9th of Feb that will include an interview. Please be aware that not all applicants will be successful, and the only way to stand a chance of being selected will be to attend the selection event. If you were to be selected you would be one of 36 young people from Hertfordshire, supported by four leaders that will also be attending.

To be eligible to be a participant at the European Jamboree you must be born between 28th July 2002 and 27th July 2006. These age ranges are set by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement and are not flexible. If you are younger than this age bracket then you will have an opportunity to attend other Jamborees in your time in Scouting. If you are older on the given date you are able to apply to become a member of the I.S.T and details of how to apply for these roles will be circulated separately.

If successful you will need to attend various training sessions, camps and activities to ensure that you are prepared and to get to know the other Scouts in your troop/unit, which will be made up of Scouts from all areas of Hertfordshire. You will also need to be prepared to promote Scouting locally both before and after Jamboree in the form of presentations about your experiences to other members and parents and supporters.

As this is a big commitment and you will need the support of your Group or Unit and your parents or guardians to ensure that you can attend all of the training events which are usually one per month until the Jamboree. The cost of the Jamboree will be £1000 per participant which you may be able to fund raise for. Money alone should never be a reason not to apply for a Jamboree participant place in cases of financial hardship.

You can find more information about the Jamboree by visiting www.ej2020.org

This is a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity and one that participants often say changed their life. Although not everyone will be selected, everyone should apply. Participants will be selected bearing in mind their age, any additional needs they might have and how this opportunity could benefit them, not only how they will contribute to Jamboree. In short it’s not necessarily only “super scouts” who should fill in the form.

If you would like to be considered to represent the District, please complete the enclosed application form, with as much information about yourself as possible, then get your parent / guardian to sign the form and return it to me as soon as possible, but no later than the 28th of January we will write / email you shortly after this with details of the selection event.

If you have any queries or questions about Jamborees, please do not hesitate to ask your Scout Leader and look at the website mentioned above. 

Yours in Scouting

Kerry Clark
District Commissioner


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