Scouting in the Community
Adults working in Scouting contribute massive free youth work to their local communities and we are proud to be part of this.
On average each year a leader typically gives time in the following way:
Sectional meetings – two hours a week over 42 weeks: 84 hours
A couple of weekend camps: 96 hours
Planning and District meetings: 36 hours
Training: 6 hours
Day trips – three per year: 36 hours
Admin/planning – two hours per week: 84 hours
Total average number of hours per person per year: 342 hours so every volunteer gives a total of 42 working days
A total contribution per person of £3,488.40 (If paid at first step Locally Qualified NJC rates of £10.20 an hour)
Approximately 110,000 adults support Scouting in the UK (Leaders, Commissioners, parent helpers etc)