Shows and Concerts

Talent at 1st Cuffley

From the late 1940’s through to the early 1960’s the 1st Cuffley Scout Group was renowned for its events such as Gang Shows and Camp Fires and also for performing at local concerts.  Lewis, Robert and Colin Hicks – The Hicks Brothers were core to a great deal of these productions as were many, if not all of the Cub, Scout and Rover members, together with their respective leaders, during those years.

Many thanks to David Gill (Phao) for the following photographs, all of which feature his father Alan. Please contact us if you can place names against the many other former Group members featured in this picture.

1st Cuffley Scout Group Gang Show Cast


Pictures from the Gang Show

Alan Gill. Back row 2nd left.

Alan Gill, Accordion.

Alan Gill, Accordion.

Had a good time at the 1st Cuffley?

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