What’s required?
Cub uniform, for our invested members, consists of a Cubs’ Sweatshirt and blue activity trousers. These are worn together with a 1st Cuffley Group scarf which is held with a coloured woggle.
Where can I buy the uniform?
Scout Store – Uniforms
Read more about the Scout Store here.
The Scout Store is currently offering a 10% discount if you sign-up to their newsletter.
Please don’t forget, if you are shopping online please click through to our purchase via The Giving Machine and generate a free donation to the 1st Cuffley Scout Group. Click on the poster below, or follow this link and quote our direct access code 266611 to sign-up to The Giving Machine.
High Street
Smiths Schoolwear Call and check in advance of a shop visit for price and stock availibilty.
John Lewis, Welwyn Garden City Call and check in advance of a shop visit for price and stock availibilty.
East Herts District Scout Shop Currently not trading due to COVID restrictions.
From the 1st Cuffley
The Cuffley Scarf and Cub Woggle
The Cuffley scarf is worn with a coloured woggle following investiture. The colour of the woggle signifies which Six the Cub is a member of. The scarf is purchased from the Group at a cost of £5, the Six woggle is provided. Cubs who have previously been members of our Beaver Colony may continue to use the 1st Cuffley Scarf they wore as a Beaver.
Each of our Cubs has the opportunity to earn and wear badges relating to their Scouting membership. They may also earn them for the activities and skills they complete. These are awarded by the colony and displayed on their uniform jersey.
Follow this link to compare the Cub badge positions versus the Beaver unform
Anything else?
Activity Tee Shirts
As an adjunct to their formal uniform our Cubs wear an informal T-Shirt. These T-Shirts, which are embroidered with our Group logo, are often worn during active meetings..
To order a Group T-Shirt please complete our Contact Us form advising your child’s name and age. When we receive your message we’ll supply a suitably sized shirt at the next Cub meeting for you to consider and purchase. The Cub T-Shirts are £6 (cash or cheque).
Cubs who have grown out of their uniform shirts, trousers or T Shirts, or have moved to another section, sometimes donate uniform items for us to sell. Please check with a leader for availability.