District Swimming Gala

Potters Bar and District Swimming Gala 2nd Feb

Information relating to the swimming gala for our Cub members is given below. I have enclosed a list of the races. Please let me know which races you are intending to enter.

Parents – I would like some help at the gala as I’m supposed to be going out that night!

Cubs – You need to be able to swim at least 1 length of the pool to take part.

The detail:

  • Held at Furzefield Leisure Centre, Potters Bar
  • On 2nd Feb 2019
  • Arrive at 6.00pm, races will start at 6.30pm
  • The Gala should finish at 8.30pm
  • Arrive in Cub uniform
  • Bring £1 for the lockers
  • There will be a £2 charge for spectators
  • There are 2 age groups, above and below 9 ½


Lilo Race: 2 swimmers.  One starts on the lilo; the other swims behind, and pushes the lilo to the far end where they swap over and return.  The winner is the team who both touch the end first.

Ball Race: 2 swimmers, one starts at each end of the pool.  One swimmer has the ball.  They both start swimming towards each other.  On meeting the ball is passed over to the other swimmer, who then changes direction and returns with the ball to the end at which they started.  The winner is the first swimmer with their ball who reaches the end.

Please print, complete and return the slip below:
