We are dealing with the risk of Covid-19. Our face-to-face section meetings and other activities are considered and conducted under current government advice and direction from the national Scout Association. .
As a Group we’ve templated and risk assessed our HQ facilities and grounds and have introduced a set of controls to support the return of face-to-face Scouting. These generic controls apply to our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers together with other users of our HQ and grounds such as the Cuffley Brownies and Cuffley Guides. Follow this link to view the current controls we’ve considered; 1st Cuffley Scout Group Risk Assessment v1.1 (Downloads as a pdf).
In addition each section raises a bespoke risk plan to support the meetings and activities they run.
Where possible a Group wide overview of our section meeting dates, days and time detail will be published through the calendar section of this website.
Some of the steps we are taking to support the safe return and ongoing dselivery of face-to-face Scouting
Marquees are serving as outdoor meeting shelters | We’ve introduced new procedures | We’ve developed our outdoor community meeting area |
We’re displaying* a venue QR code for the NHS COVID-19 App. | Risk assessments support every meeting | We are displaying information and advice |
*The code is clearly displayed the front outside walls of our main building. It is also posted on our clothes bank and vestibule notice board